CrossFit from a developmental perspective

CrossFit changed me. More specifically, it made me do things I would never have thought I’d be able to do. As a preschool teacher [and a Developmental Psychology major], I think it would be best to describe my progress in a developmental way:

Physical development (most obvious of them all)

  • stronger
    • Power Snatch at 80#
    • Power Cleans at 125#
    • Squat Cleans at 115#
    • Deadlift at more than 180# (i don’t remember exactly how heavy)
  • faster
  • lighter
  • rope climbing, handstand push ups, kipping pull-ups, double unders, toes-to-bar

Social and Emotional

  • communication
  • teamwork
  • determination
  • friendships formed
  • perseverance
  • focus
  • positive attitude


  • math skills: adding and subtracting weights, geometry
  • following instructions
  • physics: getting the right form and movement (it is really all about physics – from those kipping pull ups to those heavy snatches)

And those are just some of the skills that I’ve learned throughout this experience of CrossFit. Of course, just like any other sport or any community, it still has its cons…but I’d rather not discuss them and I prefer to move away from the bad things and focus on the good.

Out of all these learnings, I guess what would stick with me even after CrossFit is the quiet confidence and humility that I developed. Doing these things, these WODs, for me, were not a chance to prove or compete with other people. It was a chance to challenge myself. To prove to myself that I can do more than what I did before. It is also a chance for me to know my limits. You see, for me, CrossFit was not just about increasing your numbers in terms of weights or reps, but more so, learning what your body can do, and what your body can take.

Listening to your body. That’s what this experience taught me. I don’t increase my weights just because the person next to me lifts heavier; especially when I know that my form is bad. I don’t go fast, because the one beside me is ahead by a few reps or rounds; especially when I’m already having a hard time catching my breath. It was never about competing with other people. It was competing with myself. And I guess that is the best and healthiest competition one can have. Of course, competing can never be avoided, but it is not the sole purpose of your development. And it shouldn’t be. In workouts and in life.

*picture from @cfmnl

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